Spring has come round to old Zealand after a long cold winter. Temperatures have stayed above freezing for so long now that the last of the snow has melted. I am looking forward to do some work in the garden soon. It is the best exercise, complete with a purpose. The witch hazel flowers have been out for a while. Early blossoms before leafing are something special, I think.
It has been an exquisite grey day with some fine rain and not much wind, very quiet except for a nice old lady collecting money for the Red Cross. I gave her all my change, but afterwards I regretted not having given more, because I did have some bills. She took me by surprise because it is mostly kids who do the collecting around here.
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In the morning, a sparrow hawk dived down a few yards from the windows to get a mouthful of songbird, but it missed and changed course in mid air still chasing the bird out of the garden. I have never seen it at such short distance and the swiftness of the sparrow hawk amazed me. Missing the bird by an inch it just hung there with its wings spread out wide and then, in one stroke, it was back on trail.
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